Greetings from the desk of the

Dear Members and Colleagues,

As I approach the end of my first year as the Secretary of the Bombay Orthopaedic Society, I feel grateful and proud of the progress we have made. Before moving forward, I would like to take a moment to reflect on our society's growth and accomplishments.

I am pleased to inform you that we have achieved significant milestones in promoting excellence in orthopaedic education and academics during the past year. We have conducted several fruitful meetings and courses, and I extend my heartfelt appreciation to all the conveners and executive committee members for their dedicated efforts in making these events a success.

I would also like to express my gratitude to the immediate past president Dr. Rajesh Gandhi and the incoming president Dr. Sanjay Dhar for their invaluable support and guidance. Their leadership has ensured that we continue to meet our objectives and deliver on our promises.

As we move forward, I am excited about the future prospects and opportunities that await us. With the continuous support and commitment of our members, I am confident that we will achieve greater heights in the coming year.

Please find attached the Calendar of Events that contains both classic and new events scheduled for this year. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to the Bombay Orthopaedic Society.

Dr. Neeraj Bijlani
Hon. Secretary, Bombay Orthopaedic Society

Dr. Neeraj Bijlani
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